
Clover Hill Vineyards

Clover Hill Cropped

Clover Hill is synonymous for producing elegant and refined sparkling wines with a reputation of uncompromising quality. Poised atop the valley, the Cellar Door’s breathtaking position overlooks the vineyard and Bass Strait.

Opening Hours

Open: 11am- 4.30pm Wednesday to Sunday. Please visit the website for up-to-date opening times.

Closed: Check the website for up-to-date holiday times.

This vineyard participates in the Tasmanian Mixed Dozen freight scheme.

Pick up (awesome) Tassie wine on your travels and then have the purchased bottles sent to your home address. Present your bottles in dozen lots at a participating vineyard from which you purchase wine. They’ll let you know the cost of freight and it will be sent straight to your home address.