
Tasmanian Wine Grape Testing Rebate

The Tasmanian Government, through the Accelerating Agriculture policy, is providing an emergency fund of $100,000 to support rapid and early scientific grape testing by wine businesses in the case of future bushfire events. The fund will be administered by Wine Tasmania and will be available from 1 February 2022 until fully allocated.

The fund will offer a rebate of up to $1,000+GST per Tasmanian wine business on grape samples submitted for smoke testing as the result of a bushfire event, per season, until fully allocated.

Please ensure you fully read the program guidelines below and confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria before proceeding with an application.

Looking for more information on how smoke can impact precious Tassie wine grapes? Click here for further details and how you can help support your local wine producers.

Supported by Tasmanian Government Tas Gov High Res