Protecting Tasmania's outstanding grape vines!
Tasmanian wine lovers and visitors to the island's cellar doors are being asked to help protect Tasmania's precious grape vines. Vineyards and wine grapes can be susceptible to any number of things, some we can't entirely control (like the weather!) and some that we can manage. One of the most effective ways we can minimise threats to our grape vines is by staying out of vineyards, unless permitted by the vineyard owner. People and vehicles can unknowingly be carrying unwanted pests into vineyards, and some of these can cause very serious damage.
Visitors to Tasmanian cellar doors will start to see some new signs and brochures advising people not to enter the vineyard and to check with the owner or cellar door staff whether vineyard access is permitted. If it is, visitors will need to clean their boots / shoes, or maybe use shoes / shoe covers provided by the vineyard. Visitors will also need to register their details before access. Some vineyards will allow access, with these procedures, others may not allow visitors at all.
All visitors can play their part in making sure Tasmania's grape vines are protected and continue producing some of the best wine in the world! Further details at

On behalf of the Tasmanian wine sector,
Wine Tasmania thanks the Tasmanian Government for its support of this important initiative.