2024 Tasmanian Wine List of the Year Information
We are on the search for Tasmania’s best local wine list! Across a range of businesses – including wine bars, restaurants, hotels, bistros and bottle shops – the Tasmanian Wine List of the Year aims to recognise and reward exceptional promotion of local wine in Tasmania.
Building a great wine offering involves not just stocking Tasmanian wines – the quality of service, staff education, food matching and diversity of your selection are all important. Your wine list does not need to be long, nor does it need to stock exclusively Tasmanian wines to be eligible to enter the Wine List of the Year Awards. If you are proudly and passionately promoting Tasmanian wine at your venue we strongly encourage you to apply (view tips for a good Tassie wine list below).
All finalists will be promoted throughout the People’s Choice voting campaign (both print and digital), as well as being in the running for the winner of their relevant category. The Tasmanian Wine List of the Year will then be chosen from the five category winners, celebrated and promoted through an additional digital campaign.

Wine List of the Year Categories include;
- Judges' Choice Best Wine List – Hobart & Launceston
- Judges' Choice Best Wine List – Regional
- Judges' Choice Best Wine List – Retail
- Judges' Choice Best Small Wine List
- People's Choice Best Wine List
Each category winner will receive;
- Inclusion in a digital campaign promoting your venue
- 12 months' advertising on Wine Tasmania's Wine Trails website (which attracted over 220,000 views in the past twelve months to September 2024), located in the wine trail of your choice
- A premium decanter
- Tasmanian Wine List of the Year endorsement and logo / collateral for sharing on your website, social media and printed material
- One guaranteed place on Wine Tasmania's application-based local trade vintage visit itinerary (April 2025), which includes a full day exploring Tasmanian wine departing from Hobart or Launceston
In addition, the Judges' Choice Tasmanian Wine List of the Year Winner will receive;
- An organised single-day tour to some of your local vineyards, including tailored tastings and education for your staff hosted by Wine Tasmania and some of the island's most well-respected wine folk. An additional feature advert in the Tasmanian Wine Trail at Wine Tasmania's Wine Trails website.
Key Dates
- NOW: Nominations Open
- 30th of September: Nominations Close
- 7th of October: Finalists Announced & People’s Choice Voting Opens
- 28th October: People’s Choice Voting Closes
- 5th November: Winners Announced

Venue Resources
- Tips for a Good (Tassie) Wine List
- Interested in wine tastings, vineyard visits or more? View and register interest for Wine Tasmania's local wine trade programs and opportunities
- Browse Tasmanian Wine Producers